import { Controller } from "../controller.js";
import { parseBoolean, parseDuration } from "../util.js";
This is the base controller for DynamicFrames
Extend this and override params() and optionally replaceContent()
The root HTML node must have a `:url` attribute - this can be relative or absolute
To pass params use the attribute format `:param-name`
Example HTML:
<dynamic-frame :url="/some/url" :param-day="Monday"></dynamic-frame>
* @class
* @name DynamicFrame
* @namespace DynamicFrame
* @property url - The URL to fetch
* @property executeScripts - If true will find and execute scripts in the response body
* @property mode - The mode to use for adding the response content, either `replace`, `append` or `prepend` (Defaults to `replace`)
* @property mountPoint - A selector used to find the element to mount to within the element (defaults to the root element)
* @property autoRefresh - Will call `refresh()` automatically at the specified interval (Intervals are in the format `${num}${unit}` where unit is one of ms, s, m, h: `10s` = 10 seconds)
* @property delay - An artificial delay applied before displaying the content
* @property stateKey - An optional key, if specified the frame state will be stored and loaded from the page query string
* @property contained - If `true` then the frame will be self contained, clicking links and submitting forms will be handled within the frame and **not** impact the surrounding page
* @example
* <dynamic-frame :url="/some/url" :param-day="Monday" :mount-point=".content">
* <div class="content"></div>
* </dynamic-frame>
class DynamicFrame extends Controller {
* Setup the DynamicFrame and do the initial request/load
* @memberof! DynamicFrame
async init() {
this.contents = "";
// Keep track of pending requests so we can cancel when updating multiple things
this._reqAbort = [];
this.args.executeScripts = parseBoolean(this.args.executeScripts);
if (this.args.autoRefresh) {
if (!this.args.delay) this.args.delay = 0;
// If we have a stateKey then track and handle the state
if (this.args.stateKey) {
const handleStateChange = () => {
let frameState = this.loadState();
// Update and refresh
if (frameState && Object.keys(frameState).length > 0 && this._internal.frameState !== frameState) {
this.args.url = frameState[`${this.args.stateKey}-url`];
this._internal.frameState = frameState;
// Initial state load
// When the history state changes then reload our state
// This is triggered when going back and forward in the browser
window.addEventListener("popstate", () => handleStateChange());
window.addEventListener("pushstate", () => handleStateChange());
this.emit("dynamic-frame:init", {});
if (this.renderOnInit) await this.loadContent();
* Reload the frame content then call `render()`
* @memberof! DynamicFrame
async refresh(method = "get") {
let ok = await this.loadContent(null, method);
if (ok) await this.render();
* Call the base `bind()` and re-find the mountPoint in case it's changed
* @memberof! DynamicFrame
bind() {
// Find the mount point
if (this.args.mountPoint && typeof this.args.mountPoint === "string") {
this.mountPoint = this.querySelector(this.args.mountPoint);
if (!this.mountPoint) {
this.mountPoint = this.root;
* Sets an interval to auto call `this.refresh()`
* Overwrites previously set refresh intervals
* @memberof! DynamicFrame
setAutoRefresh() {
const interval = parseDuration(this.args.autoRefresh);
if (interval === undefined) {
console.error(`[${this.tag}] Undefined interval passed to setAutoRefresh`);
if (this._internal.autoRefreshInterval) {
this._internal.autoRefreshInterval = window.setInterval(() => this.refresh(), interval);
* [async] Makes a new request and replaces or appends the response to the mountPoint
* Returns true on success
* Multiple calls will abort previous requests and return false
* @returns boolean - true on success
* @memberof! DynamicFrame
async loadContent(e, method = "get") {
let url = this.endpoint(); = new URLSearchParams(this.params());
// Keep track of all pending requests so we can abort them on duplicate calls
this._reqAbort.forEach(controller => controller.abort());
this._reqAbort = [];
const abortController = new AbortController();
let ok = true;
const sendReq = async () => {
try {
let response = await fetch(url, {
signal: abortController.signal,
method: method,
headers: {
"X-Dynamic-Frame": 1,
// If no content then delete self
if (response.status === 204) {
ok = true;
// Special header for redirecting the outer page
// Useful for errors or session timeouts
if (response.headers.get("X-Dynamic-Frame-Page-Redirect")) {
window.location.href = response.headers.get("X-Dynamic-Frame-Page-Redirect");
let text = await response.text();
} catch (err) {
if ( !== "AbortError") {
throw err;
ok = false;
await Promise.allSettled([new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, this.args.delay)), sendReq()]);
if (ok) {
this.bind(); // The new DOM content might need to be bound to the controller
this.emit("dynamic-frame:updated", {});
return ok;
* Actually updates the content
* This is where the artificial delay is applied
* @param content - The content to use
* @param mode - replace or append, defaults to `this.args.mode`
* @memberof! DynamicFrame
updateContent(content, mode = null) {
if (!mode) mode = this.args.mode || "replace";
const template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = content;
// If we want to execute scripts then go through our template and turn script tags into real scripts
if (this.args.executeScripts) {
let scripts = template.content.querySelectorAll("script");
[...scripts].forEach(script => {
let newScript = document.createElement("script");
// Copy all attributes to the new script
[...script.attributes].forEach(attr => newScript.setAttribute(, attr.value));
// Copy the content of the script tag
if (script.innerHTML) newScript.appendChild(document.createTextNode(script.innerHTML));
// Add the script tag back in
if (mode === "replace") {
} else if (mode === "append") {
} else if (mode === "prepend") {
this.emit("frame-updated", { from: this, mode: mode });
* Returns the query string params for the request - expected to be overridden
* Handles arrays as duplicated params (ie. a: [1,2] => ?a=1&a=2)
* @returns {URLSearchParams}
* @memberof! DynamicFrame
params(values = {}) {
let params = new URLSearchParams(values);
// Annoyingly URLSearchParams can't handle array params unless you call .append each time
// So find any array params and re-add them manually
Object.entries(values).forEach(([key, val]) => {
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
val.forEach(item => params.append(key, item));
for (let attr of this.attributes) {
if (attr.nodeName.startsWith(":param-")) {
params.append(attr.nodeName.substring(7), attr.nodeValue);
return params;
* Set key/value pairs of params in the element attributes
* @param {object} values
setParams(values = {}) {
// Wipe out all current attributes
for (let attr of this.attributes) {
if (attr.nodeName.startsWith(":param-")) {
// Set the new params
Object.entries(values).forEach(([key, val]) => {
this.setAttribute(`:param-${key}`, val);
* Returns the endpoint to call - from the :url attr on the root element
* @returns {string}
* @memberof! DynamicFrame
endpoint() {
let url = this.args.url;
if (!this.args.url) {
console.error(`${this.tag}: No :url attribute specified`);
if (!url.startsWith("http")) url = window.location.origin + url;
return new URL(url);
* Load the frame state based on the main page URL query string
* @returns {object} The frame state
loadState() {
if (!this.args.stateKey) return;
let qs =;
if (!qs) return;
qs = qs.substring(1);
let qsParts = Object.fromEntries(qs.split("&").map(part => part.split("=")));
let frameState = {};
let params = {};
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(qsParts)) {
if (key.startsWith(this.args.stateKey + "-")) {
if (key.startsWith(this.args.stateKey + "-param-")) {
params[key.replace(this.stateKey + "-param-", "")] = value;
frameState[key] = value;
// Update our params
return frameState;
* Loads a URL into the frame by updating the url and param attributes and then reload
* @param {*} url
loadUrl(url, method = "get") {
let [origin, query] = url.split("?");
if (!query) query = "";
if (query) {
const params = Object.fromEntries(query.split("&").map(part => part.split("=")));
this.args.url = origin;
* Save the frame state to the outer page URL query string and add to history
* Only saves if the state has changed
saveState() {
// If no stateKey then we can't save the state
if (!this.args.stateKey) return;
// Get the main page query string
let mainPageQs = Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(;
// Strip out any params that belong to this frame
// We will re-add them below
for (const key of Object.keys(mainPageQs)) {
if (key.startsWith(`${this.args.stateKey}-`)) {
delete mainPageQs[key];
// Build our frame state object
let frameState = {};
frameState[`${this.args.stateKey}-url`] = this.args.url.replace(window.location.origin, "");
// Add the params for this frame
for (const [key, value] of this.params()) {
frameState[`${this.args.stateKey}-param-${key}`] = value;
// Merge our frame state into the page params
mainPageQs = { ...mainPageQs, ...frameState };
// If our state changed then update the main page URL and add to history
if (this._internal.frameState !== frameState) {
const qs = Object.entries(mainPageQs)
.map(part => `${part[0]}=${part[1]}`)
window.history.pushState(qs, "", `?${qs}`);
this._internal.frameState = frameState;
* Makes the frame self contained
* Clicking any links or submitting any forms will only impact the frame, not the surrounding page
* @param {bool} containAll Whether to automatically contain all `a` and `form` elements
* If not set then it will be opt in per element.
containFrame(containAll = false) {
// Capture all clicks and if it was on an <a> tag load the href within the frame
this.addEventListener("click", e => {
let target = || e.srcElement;
if (target.tagName === "A" && this.belongsToController(target)) {
if (!containAll && !target.hasAttribute(":contained")) {
const href = target.getAttribute("href");
window.history.pushState({}, "", href);
// Intercept form submits
// To do this we need to submit the form ourselves
// Aims to have near-full feature parity with regular HTML forms
// We do not support the `target` attribute or the `method="dialog"` value
this.addEventListener("submit", async e => {
if (!containAll && !":contained")) {
const method ="method") || "GET";
const action ="action") || "/";
const encoding ="enctype") || "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
const skipValidation ="novalidate") !== undefined;
// Base HTML5 validation
if (!skipValidation && ! {
// Build the form data to send
const formData = new FormData(;
let params = new URLSearchParams();
for (const pair of formData) {
params.append(pair[0], pair[1]);
if (method.toUpperCase() == "POST") {
let request = {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"X-Dynamic-Frame": 1,
if (encoding === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") {
request.body = params;
request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
} else {
// If sending as multipart then we omit the content-type
let multipartData = new FormData();
for (const pair of formData) {
multipartData.append(pair[0], pair[1]);
request.body = multipartData;
let response = await fetch(action, request);
// Show the response body
this.updateContent(await response.text());
} else if (method.toUpperCase() == "GET") {
const query = Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(formData));
this.args.url = action;
window.history.pushState({}, "", action);
return false;
* Remove self from DOM and remove state from query string
destroySelf() {
if (this.args.stateKey) {
// Get main page query string
let qs =;
qs = qs.substring(1);
if (!qs) return;
// Remove any parts that belong to this frame
let qsParts = Object.fromEntries(qs.split("&").map(part => part.split("=")));
for (const [key, _value] of Object.entries(qsParts)) {
if (key.startsWith(this.args.stateKey + "-")) {
delete qsParts[key];
// Back to string and save
qs = Object.entries(qsParts)
.map(part => `${part[0]}=${part[1]}`)
window.history.pushState(qs, "", `?${qs}`);
* Container for route anchor elements
* Any `<a>` elements within the `<dynamic-frame-router>` will be intercepted and only update the specified dynamic frame
* Specifies the target `DynamicFrame` to handle routing for
class DynamicFrameRouter extends Controller {
async init() { = document.querySelector(;
this.anchors = this.querySelectorAll("a");
this.cache = {};
this.args.caching = parseBoolean(this.args.caching);
if (! {
console.error(`Could not find target dynamic frame element: ${}`);
// Handle clicks
this.addEventListener("click", e => {
let target = || e.srcElement;
if (target.tagName === "A" && this.belongsToController(target)) {
this.navigate(target.getAttribute("href"), true);
// Handle history change
window.onpopstate = history.onpushstate = () => {
async navigate(href, recordInHistory = false) {
const targetUrl = new URL(href, window.location.origin);
const oldHref =;
// Cache the contents of the frame
if (this.args.caching) {
this.cache[oldHref] = [].map(child => child.cloneNode(true));
// Update the targeted frame
if (href in this.cache) {[href]); = href;
} else {
// Update the active anchor
this.anchors.forEach(a => {
const anchorHref = new URL(a.href);
if (anchorHref.pathname === targetUrl.pathname) {
} else {
if (recordInHistory) window.history.pushState({}, "", href);
export { DynamicFrame, DynamicFrameRouter };